The O is a stylish new hi tech system that heats rollers instantly that is set to revolutionise the way volume hair can be created in McIntyres salons,Dundee.The O by Cloud Nine provides a new safer method of heating rollers that is much easier to use and delivers better results. This Christmas McIntyres have many unbeatable deals across all hairdressing products and services including limited edition GHD’s and McIntyres believe this new O instant roller equipment is going to do what GHD hair straighteners did for the hairdressing industry but in creating instant volume for the hair.
The Christmas stunning gift set includes hi tech stylish Pod,4 sets of Rollers 30mm,40mm and 50mm,Amplify Spray and sectioning comb.Using a unique induction heat system, The O Rollers, heat up in less than four seconds,they heat from the core which means they are only hot on the hair wrapped around the roller,not in the hand making them very easy and safe to use,the whole pack is wrapped in a beautifully limited edition stylish case making it one of the must have hair christmas gifts of 2010
McIntyres have built its reputation of bringing innovative products to the city of Dundee,Scotland and working with leading edge manufacturers like GHD , Sebastian and other forward thinking hairdressing inventions we strive to do everything possible to make our clients hair the best possible and we believe we can do anything with hair.
The O is yet another product that brings unique technology that provides instant volume to be able to introduce even more hair styles
The O Chrsitmas Gift Pack costs £199.95 and is available at both McIntyres salons 50 Union St and 121 Perth Road Dundee
McIntyres have recently won ‘Scottish Hairdressers of the Year’ we have a range of products and services that are exclusive and we enjoy the challenge of providing the very best hairdressing for all the family