Dalai Lama’s visit to Dundee,Scotland – The Courier questions Scottish Council officials motives

Dalai Lama best humanity quote

The Dalai Lama’s planned visit to Dundee has made headline news twice, firstly in how the world’s most famous Buddhist Monk has sold out the Caird Hall in record time , even faster than the beatles – fact! And secondly how Dundee City Council and most organisations shy away from the peaceful campaigner, in case it damages relations and economic gains from China, who actively try to sabotage his every move.Dundee Lord Provost Bob Duncan denies taking a political view in today’s Dundee Courier, however Chinese Consul General have had similar untimely recent meetings with the other councils involved in Edinburgh and Inverness. China who occupied Tibet over 50 years ago have still to recognise this holy man’s forced exile and struggle, China continue to dishonour him with these negative tactics even after 50 years – despite winning the most prestigious of awards The Nobel Prize and The Templeton Prize recently honouring and recognising the Dalai Lama’ co-operation to work with the chinese occupation and generally promoting non violence. Both organisations are of the highest integrity and pay tribute to the Dalai Lama’s amazing dedication and outstanding services to humanity.The Dalai Lama is on record stating he understands the difficulties involved with integration for both cultures after 50 years and suggests that everyone has to work together to maintain the Tibetan culture and integration within China , if only China could show some of his noted compassion to this spiritual leaders crusade, the rest of the world I’m sure would pay tribute to and respect China more for agreement and compromise rather than see it as losing face? Can you imagine a nation with the economic power of China and compassion of Tibet? C’mon China do the right thing! the world WILL salute you!
His holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is in Scotland on a UK tour to promote worldwide responsibility and change in particular in the hearts and minds of the youth, that’s his focus to help young people and help individuals ‘be the change’ this is the Dalai Lama’s third visit to Scotland in just 12 years and this time he is a travelling further north to Inverness, I’m sure he’ll love the scenery and a Scottish Highland welcome hopefully awaits.
The Dalai Lama is now on Twitter and Facebook (links below) with amazing messages of hope, his Facebook and Twitter following is growing faster than any other person on the planet including many world famous celebrities and is another reason the Chinese are nervous and should act now, the power of social media is getting through to the youth, even in China despite Chinese efforts to censor him ,Google unbelievably capitulated to China by erasing any mention of Dalai Lama in the Chinese search engine .You can also watch Dalai Lama’s visits and words of wisdom on his website below.
What a few weeks for Dundee, first the Olympic torch last week ,spiritual world leader the next, Dundee really is a City in Scotland on the up.
His holiness will be most welcome in mcIntyres salons! Even if its for a Green Tea and quick head shave!
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links https://dalailama.com/