McIntyres are delighted to welcome top hair stylist and colourist,Jon Withrington. Jon is Sassoon London educated, managed one of the UK’s leading salon groups in Kensington and headed up a regional salon groups education strategy, McIntyres hope to extend their education as well as provide a top precision cutting and colour expert to their portfolio and artistic team. Jon is delighted to be coming to a City on the up and was attracted to McIntyre’s through their creativity. Jon says he is excited at coming to Scotland and is looking to develop a clientele where he can showcase his talents. Jon is also Shu Uemura and Kerastase ambassador level trained and brings specialist product knowledge. Kay McIntyre ‘Scottish Hairdresser of the Year’ says . Jon brings much experience, but most of all I’m looking forward to working with him as he has great enthusiasm , clients as well as staff are going to love him.